Untitled ( sem título)

Untitled, duration 5min 20sec, it searchs to polarize question-keys of the contemporary world, which are: the human versus the maquínico; the repetition against the difference, factual and its subjetivadas projections. It is about an ostensively abstract experience (the figures tend to the dilution or the fantasmagórico) e formalist, that is, auto-questioning (the support VIDEO and its effects).Of the arts appearances (informal Abstracionismo, Expressionismo abstract and expressionista figuração) to music (Dodecafonismo, Miinimalismo), the work also sends to the typical tensions of the impasse between absence of narrative and epilogue, sensualism and fisicalidade, psychological time and historical length.

Direction/conception/photographie: Lola Lustosa
Música: Lola Lustosa
Edição/colaboration: Sofia Karan

Music based :
“ She is asleep”
Jonh Cage
“ Music for four”
Jonh Cage
“ Monochrome”


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